Sunday, December 18, 2016

Why Do You Like Twenty One Pilots?

Have you ever heard music that really spoke to you? Like, one time, you heard a particular band or artist for the first time, and you had to immediately research their every song and interview? Have you ever discovered songs of theirs that truly whispered comfort and understanding to your soul, letting you know that you are not alone? And in doing so, you discover a community of people, online or in person, who love the band as much as you do, and are perhaps there for you to comfort you during hard times?

I have. For me, the community I have found is called the Clique, the fanbase of Twenty One Pilots.

I have recently, like within the past year, discovered Twenty One Pilots. The first song I ever heard of theirs was Car Radio on a camping trip. I was in a bus with my team, and we were listening to someone’s playlist on their phone. The song played, and it sounded so absurd to me it was hilarious. Like, obviously you’re going to sit in silence if your car radio is stolen! The rap sounded very dramatic, and I was curious as to what this band was. I had never heard such a unique sound before. I turned to my friend and asked, “Who is this?” “Oh. It’s Twenty One Pilots…They’re too depressing to me, I don’t really like them.” She responded, which is totally fine—but this sparked my interest even more.

Once I got home, I looked them up, and never turned back. I fell in love with their mission, their purpose, their art, everything. I am now passionate about this band, even though not everyone understands why.

That is what this blog entry, and perhaps future ones in greater detail, is for.

Twenty One Pilots’s music is absolutely unique. Tyler Joseph knows how to convey emotion through his vocals, and he’s not afraid to dig deep into the depths of his soul for his lyrics. This is refreshing—not many artists these days are brave enough to be transparent and vulnerable with their fans. However, this is exactly what their fans are attracted to—deep, truthful authenticity. And hope.

Many are shocked when they find out that Twenty One Pilots are a Christian band, another reason why I love TP. Well, it is not technically. Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are Christians, however, the band is not—or is it? It depends on what you consider to be a “Christian band”. If Tyler and Josh are both devoted, practicing Christians, then chances are that their faith will indeed influence their lyrics, resulting in their music reflecting their values. This is not a good or bad thing—it is just a thing that happens for all artists everywhere, not just Christians. 

—> Random tangent: Are Tyler and Josh using this for their religious advantage?
Wait—let me rephrase that. Maybe Tyler and Josh, as born again Christians, are trying to reach out to their audience and give them hope. Hope is good, right? Hope is what many artists try to give their audiences. They are not using this platform for their selfish gain. No, not at all. Their mission is to get their audience, Christian and nonChristian alike, to think for themselves. Think. Then fill in the blank themselves, finding in whom or what they will place their hope. TP assures us that we are not alone in the struggle of anxiety, depression, or the wars we wage in our minds. I love this.

Joseph and Dun have videos of themselves on YouTube and Vine, accessible to anyone, that reveals their silliness and personalities. They are regular people—they are talented, but they are just like their fans. Normal, average people. This is so beautiful to me—they are super famous, yet they’re not afraid to show their ridiculous sides. In doing this, their fans feel closer to them and feel like they know them as their friends. 

Tyler and Josh, if you guys are reading this, I just want to thank you. Thank you so much for your beautiful art, what you stand for, and for simply being wonderful guys. Keep doing what you are doing. You are a great inspiration to me and many others, and your music truly saves lives. Thank you so much.

In future blogs, I am hoping to delve deeper into their song lyrics, revealing the Biblical parallels and allusions, and meanings behind each symbol and metaphor.

This should be fun!

Do you want to join me? Stay tuned!

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