Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Divide - A Soliloquy

What’s next? Is there life beyond high school?
Day by day, year by year, I get closer
To the deadlines, to the graduation.
Will I survive, or will I not; that is the question.
Those who have gone before us
Passed the divide between high school
And the school finale—graduation.
Pursuing their passions and living
Beyond the grades of high school life.
A cliff approaches me, or is it the converse?
The more deadlines I meet, the closer I get,
Unknowingly being pushed to the edge.
Is there a bridge between the divide?
To college, or not to college; that is the question
I must answer, wherefore I shall go,
When everything I know is gone anon.
Ne’er would I have thought I come this far!
The time is nigh, the time is now—
I must go forth and decide my route.
Like Gideon, I present my fleece, needing a sign.
O God, I prithee, lead me--I shall follow thee. 
To major, or not to major; that is the question.
Choosing a path--O how confusing!
How uncertain am I of my passions!
Careful thought and research must be done—
I must discover my calling. 
To the moans of melancholy maladies,
Methinks I am meant to listen and mend.
Counseling countless clients 
And considering their concerns,
I shall teach them to tell and talk
Relieving their terrible troubles,
Engaging them as they express their agonies.
The end is nigh, the end is now
I have finally discovered my route.
O future clients, I shall arrive anon!
I prithee, wait for me, I shall pass the divide
Between high school and the afterlife—
That is, the long awaited graduation.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dust -- Part 2 of the Cathedral Story

-- Part 2 of the Cathedral Story --

The creak of the big, heavy doors echoes throughout the entire building, ringing in my ears, and thunders down below my feet. A big cloud of dust stirs around me with each step I take, in each wave of my hand. Dust. Occupying each crevice, each note, each line. Specks that represent every soul that once roamed the halls in years past.

Who are you? Each begins to seemingly inquire me, simultaneously unaware of their own existence. Are we aware of our own existence? Swarming around ceaselessly, lives are lived unconsciously. With each breath, in each step, we are too in tune to others rather than taking time to care for ourselves, unknowingly drinking a falsely advertised sedative.

Who are you?